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Anyone who has walked into a room with brand new carpet knows that telltale aroma - it's distinctive and lingers. There are reasons why new carpets smell the way they do and, although some consider it pleasing at first, the smell can become bothersome over time. Understanding what makes new carpets smell and how to get rid of the odor will help ensure you're enjoying your new carpet for many years.

What Causes the New Carpet Smell?

New carpets are made of synthetic materials or natural fibers such as wool or cotton. In the manufacturing process, these materials are dyed, treated with chemicals, and coated with latex backing or adhesives. All of these chemicals and compounds are what produce the new carpet smell.

Specifically, the new smell comes from volatile organic compounds, or VOCs, that release gases into the air as the carpet materials break in during the first few days and weeks after installation. The VOCs used in carpet production include formaldehyde, benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and styrene. The concentrations are generally low and decrease over time, but these chemicals can produce that signature new carpet smell.

Why Does New Carpet Smell Fade Over Time?

As the VOCs in new carpeting off-gas into the air, the concentrations slowly decrease. Meanwhile, the carpet is airing out, spreading the VOCs across a larger surface area. Normal air movement from ventilation, open windows and doors, and people walking on the carpets help accelerate this off-gassing and airing out process.

Over several days or weeks, the carpet chemicals finish breaking down and releasing gases. The concentrations drop to barely detectable levels, taking the new carpet odor along with it. However, symptoms like eye irritation, coughing, or headaches can occur with sensitivity to the initial higher levels of VOCs.

Tips to Remove the New Carpet Scent Faster

Because some find the lingering new carpet smell unpleasant, it's helpful to know how to speed up the removal process. Here are some tips to dissipate that new carpet aroma:

Performing some of these methods over a period of several days up to two weeks will help eliminate that lingering new carpet smell. It takes diligence and patience for the VOCs to fully release. But before long, you'll be enjoying the clean look and feel of your new carpets without the bothersome odor.

The new carpets you buy from Pay As You Go carpets will also have this smell. By following the tips we shared above, it will be possible to get rid of that smell. We make it easy for anyone to buy new carpets. You don’t need to make a down payment, and you can simply continue to pay just £10 per week on the carpets you buy.  Contact us for Pay Weekly Carpets today.